[Reviews] : July Reviews (The Secret of the Sirens, Dead Man's Island, The Selection Series and More)
[Reviews]: July Reviews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I finished reading this a while ago, it was a pretty enjoyable read. It was about a girl named Connie who found out that she was a Universal Companion, someone who could bond with all mythical creatures out there (dragons, pegasi, regular animals etc...)
I felt no emotional connection to any of the characters. They weren't very well fleshed-out. Very 2-Dimensional. Col, in particular, annoyed the hell out of me.
The mythical creatures though, the author did a really good job at fleshing out their characters. It was almost as though I could feel what they felt; the way Julia Golding described things was very magical. Even a fleeting character, the Kraken, left a deep impression even though he was only featured in the last couple of pages.
All in all, an enjoyable read. Wouldn't mind reading the next book after this!

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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I finished reading this like a week ago, so my recollection of the plot might be off here or there.
Anyway, this was a story about Mia Lockheart, a tattoo artist and part time keeper-slash-healer for warriors. She was the descendant of long line of healers, whose main job was to ensure the safety of warriors when they go to battle.
Since this story was based in the modern times, there were hardly any war and Mia's charges were mostly boxers/martial artists.
The plot was a little bland, which was a waste of the author's talent because I could tell that she was very adept in writing. That was why I kept on reading even though the plot did not entice me as I thought it would.
The main villain was a modern-day vampire but his skills and background were hardly described. We only knew a little more about him near the end of the story.
Rather than a vampire or a fantasy novel, this was more of a martial arts novel with tattoos wedged up here and there, which I have to admit, did not interest me so much.
There were also fleeting mentions of Rosalia Lombardo, though she merely served as a muse for the villain.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4/5 *
I love Roald Dahl's style of writing; the way he puts his sentences together, his eccentricity etc.
I love that how instead of simply giving James magic, Dahl gave him magic AND friends.
This was a really fun read, though slightly morbid. I had to read what happened to his aunts twice just to be sure :O

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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Our story started with the main character, Henrietta O'Dwyer Collins, or Henrie O, helping an old lady from being scammed by a con-artist.
Then, she received a call from her old friend, and implied ex-lover, Chase Prescott. He asked for her help, someone was trying to kill him. Prescott was a multi-millionaire business magnate with a lot of enemies, and instead reporting everything to the authority like every other sane person would, he decided to gather all the people whom he suspected to want him dead on a private island.
Then, we were introduced to the potential suspects.
1. Burton Andrews - Prescott's secretary who was frequently mistreated by him.
2. Miranda Prescott - Prescott's young beautiful wife
3. Haskell Lee - Prescott's exceptionally handsome stepson
4. Roger Prescott - Prescott's son with his first wife
5. Valerie St. Vincent - Prescott's ex-sister-in-law; Haskell Lee's aunt. A Broadway actresss.
6. Lyle Stedman - Prescott's successor
7. Trevor Dunnaway - Prescott's lawyer
(view spoiler)
Hatred for the culprit aside, this was an engaging read. I slept at 5 am just to finish reading this.

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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Fragile Heritage was a very engaging read that was set through the decades of the early 1900s.
(view spoiler)
This was a very riveting read to me, the kind that made me feel empty after I turned over the last page. I did not do the story justice with my half-baked description. The author wrote much better than I did. In case if you were interested in this novel but got turned off by my retelling, please do read the first ten pages before making your verdict.
I left out a lot of important points in my synopsis, what happened to which character etc. There were a lot more characters in this novel, each with their own distinct personalities and I got attached to them really fast.
My most favorite character in the story has got to be Delia de Bellefort. (view spoiler)
The author had a penchant for killing significant characters silently even when we were still attached to them. She did that a lot of times. (view spoiler)
The book was divided into three parts; the first part, (view spoiler) I liked all three parts equally, they were very different and poignant in their own ways.
I never thought I would enjoy this book as much as I did. I do believe I will start looking for other books that will make me invest my emotions like this one did.

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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The main character, Ellie, was kind of a spoiled brat. George, on the other hand, was a jerk. There were hardly any layers to their characters. Only Ellie had a little character development near the end.
I kind of wish there were more ghosts and more back stories behind everything.
There were a few spine-tingling moments inside the book, which I really love. The author is very gifted when it comes to description.

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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This novel spans through three generations of women through three eras.
There was Hanna, the grandmother; Johanna, the mother; and Anna, the daughter.
This is the most profound book that I had read so far. It made me wonder if I would feel what the ladies felt when I reach their age.
Hanna's character is very believable, and very interesting, to say the least. You can see her in your old-school mother or your grandmother, especially if you are Asian. Johanna, the mellow one out of the three, is a smooth blend of Hanna's traditionality and Anna's independence. She is by far my most favorite character out of the lot. Brave and modern Anna is strong-willed and independant (and kind of paranoid).
I had a hard time putting this book down. It was very easy to connect to the characters and Hanna's story was especially interesting.
The only reason this only gets 4 stars is because of the emptiness it made me feel at the end of the book. Made me depressed lol.

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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This novel has a very interesting premise. I am a sucker for fairytale-ish plot, so I literally finished this in like three days.
This is totally my cup of tea, just the descriptions are a little too childish sometimes. Too much info. The author tried too hard (and too fast) to describe the characters, especially Maxon and Celeste, resulting in them not being very well-fleshed out. There are no layers to their personalities.
Onto the main character, America; she spent 80% of the novel proclaiming love for Aspen, and then she suddenly wanted Maxon too? Like I said, too rushed.
I already bought the whole set though, so I'll be going through the second novel after this!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love this book.
Even though this a children's book, the characters have more depths than many novels out there.
I just wish it was longer.

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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Maxon is such a jerk smh. I hate how everyone is in love with him, how they keep making excuses for him. I hate how he never stands up for himself and for America.
As for America, I never knew someone could be so indecisive lol. She is in love with whomever is in front of her at that moment.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The very end of the Trilogy.
I love how everyone has their own character development by the end of the book except for the king. Celeste surprised me the most. I love the bond between the girls. I love how everyone has their own happy ending.
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Ranking in terms of enjoyment:
1. Fragile Heritage by Sara Hylton
2. Hanna's Daughters by Marianne Frederikson
3. Dead Man's Island by Carolyn G. Hart
4. Secret of the Siren by Julia Golding
5. James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
6. The Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool by Margaret Gray
7. The Company of Ghosts by Berlie Doherty
8. The Selection by Kiera Cass
9. The One by Kiera Cass
10. The Elite by Kiera Cass
11. The Keeper of Light and Dust by Natasha Mostert