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[Review] Bio-Essence Miracle Bio Water

by - 10:17 AM

Bio-Essence Miracle Bio Water Review

pH reading: 6.45 (This information is found on the packaging of the product.)

Mineral Content in mg/l: 

Trace Mineral
K = 0.016
Cu = 0.07
Na = 0.134
Zn = 0.016
Ca = 1.45
Li = 0.003
Mg = 0.372
Mo = <0.001
Al = 0.053
Fe = 0.01
(This information is found on the packaging of the product.)

Price:  I bought this from a drugstore in Malaysia.  I got it really cheap, only around RM8.00 for a small 30ml bottle, which is less than $USD2. 

Application (this information is found on the packaging of the product):

·         Fastest cooling, soothing and calming effect.
·         Highest hydration with lowest salt content.
·         pH-balanced – Hypoallergenic formulation.  (The pH is 6.5)
·         Controls oil effectively
·         Refines pore.
·         Brightens skin.
·         Firms skin.
·         Cools eyes to help reduce eye strain.
·         Suitable for sensitive skin.
·         Use after makeup for long-lasting and natural look.
·         Moisturizes and nourishes skin.
·         Relieves tiredness, energizing
·         Soothes skin after treatment.

·         Refreshes and soothes skin after exercise.
·         Soothes and calms skin.
·         Under hot sun to moisturize and refresh skin.

·         Moisturizes hair.
·         Relieves hair dryness that leads to split ends. 


 I live in a hot, humid country so I was in a desperate need of something moisturizing that is travel-friendly.  Like I said, I got this cheap, only around RM8.00 (USD1.86) for a 30ml bottle. 

I chose the smallest bottle, there are also 100ml bottles over there.  On first impression, the mist is very cooling and is definitely useful in summer time (or if you live in hot, humid countries like me.)  I mean, I have used it so frequently that I am almost out of it after only one week.  It has no smell, which I know many people will like.  It is very convenient to be carried around too; because it’s small.

However, the reason I am running out of it on the first place is because the effect is short-lasting, which means frequent reapplication, especially if you have to be out in the sun.  It delivers what it promised but only for a short amount of time.  1 spray lasts me 10 minutes top which is pretty meh to me.  It kind of beats the purpose, like might as well not use it.

Verdict:  ❤❤

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